Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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Stress Free Cleaning

Are you hosting an upcoming event? Do you have family coming in from out of town? Maybe you are getting ready to welcome a new child into your family? Whatever the reason, special event cleaning needs are common. We have you covered.

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Home & Office

We know that your home and office can take a lot of abuse, but we can handle it. When you hire us, we: Work Left To Right, Top To Bottom so You can rest easy in your spotless living room when you hire Clean and Dazzle.

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Keeping your bathroom regularly cleaned by a professional cleaning service prevents bacteria and mold build up. Our thorough cleaning process is your first line of defense!

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Kitchens get messy in a way that no other room in your house does. Kitchens have to withstand crumbs, spills, splatters, and exposure to raw meats every single day. Our kitchen services ensure you are left with a spotless workspace.

(780) 893-3389